Coral Island is a farming game and social simulator developed by Stairway Games and published by Humble Games. After you inherit your grandparents' farm in tranquil Coral Island, you learn that the island is not so idyllic after all. A massive oil spill has polluted the island's ecosystem and...
The mines hide more than just plain wood and rocks. Here's everything you need to know about mining in Coral Island.
In Coral Island, time is money. It has a fairly sizeable town and getting around by foot takes precious time away from farming. Here's a handy Coral Island guide on how to unlock the Fast Travel system and all Waypoints in the game.Coral...
Cooking is one of the most important activities inCoral Island. In addition to the fact that food restores your health, it also restores your Energy, which is necessary for almost all actions in the game. Also, cooked dishes work much more effectively than rawingredients. Therefore, you should...
swims away from your grasp. Frustrating as it can be, Coral Island’s fishing minigame is really fun, and selling fish can be a profitable gig in theearly game. This guide covers everything you need to know about Fishing in Coral Island, including where to catch every fish in the game...
Humble Games•角色扮演•模拟 针对Xbox Series X|S 进行了优化 Xbox Play Anywhere 2 个辅助功能 9 种受支持的语言 不单独提供 12+ 中度暴力 +提供应用程序内购买。 图库 输入您的生日 此内容已锁定 说明 离开喧嚣的铂京市生活,来《珊瑚岛》上开启生活新篇章! 做回真实的自己,打造梦想中的田园农场,耕种...
农场休闲模拟游戏《珊瑚岛 Coral Island》1.0正式版现已在Xbox Series X|S和Windows PC的微软商店上架,支持官方中文。 这款游戏为单人单机类作品,同时加入了Xbox游戏通行证 Xbox Game Pass(主机版+PC版)。 游戏免费试玩Demo也已上线。 《珊瑚岛 Coral Island》是一款充满活力的农场休闲模拟游戏,让你回归真实的自己...
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Coral Island是一款具有卡通风格的模拟经营类游戏,在Coral Island中,玩家可以建造梦想中的田园农场,种植庄稼,饲养动物,以获得更多的经济效益。修复好你的地盘在这里让自己成为这个家园真正的主人。感兴趣的朋友快来本站下载体验吧。 解压码:ACGBNS.COM 提取码:6666 游戏攻略 玩法介绍 1、打造梦想中的农场 将Coral Is...
珊瑚岛是一款元气满满的农场休闲模拟游戏。玩家需要不断尝试在自己的岛屿中进行模拟生存经营,尝试更多种植作物,以及喂养更多的家禽和宠物,在自己的岛屿上开始一段温馨治愈的模拟经营之旅,感受独特的生存冒险挑战。 游戏亮点 回归真实的自我,尽情体验迷人的海岛生活。自给自足、饲养动物、与各种小镇居民互动 ...