Actual 4x8 inch cotton fabric swatches of individual Pantone Fashion and Home colors. Each dyed cloth piece is folded back on itself to make a 4x4 inch two-ply presentation in a hermetically sealed UV protective envelope. Used by fashion designers and interior decorators to communicate with ...
Pantone 2025代表色「摩卡慕斯」,從彩妝、髮色、美甲到穿搭最實用推薦! 2024聖誕美妝香氛盤點!CHANEL、Diptyque…25+ 款「交換禮物推薦」百元到萬元都有! Threads爆紅「鎂鹽餅」是什麼?缺「鎂」小心肥胖、經痛,半夜抽筋還容易失眠,推薦6大含鎂食物 GD《POWER》、海莉 肉桂...