The protein data (samples: control = 6, host tissue extract treatmentn = 5) were pre-processed in Perseus (, [79]), removing contaminant proteins, decoy sequence matches, and proteins only identified by site, and log2-transforming the protein label-free quantification intensit...
doi:10.1007/s00338-019-01795-8Gilmour, James P.Cook, Kylie L.Ryan, Nicole M.Puotinen, Marjetta L.Green, Rebecca H.Shedrawi, GeorgeHobbs, Jean-Paul A.Thomson, Damian P.Babcock, Russell C.Buckee, JoannaSpringerCoral Reefs
Though the results show a good match between the experiment and numerical studies, the comparison between only one set of geometry is not sufficient to draw such a conclusion. 3.2. Comparison of Flow Profiles and Transport Mechanism between Pocillopra Geometries To understand the variation of the ...