根据第三段最后的But the method has only limited success because they cannot stay long underwater, nor reach depths of over 200 meters where some of the deep-sea coral grows.以及第四段的However,this is not the case for Coral bots可知,志愿者不能长时间呆在水下,但是Coral bots可以,故选择A,...
“Well, you must know,” began Peterkin, “that the very day before I went to sea, I was greatly taken up with a game at hockey, which I was playing with my old school-fellows for the last time before leaving them. You see I was young then, Ralph.” Peterkin gazed, in an abst...
hem- prichii, egg maturity was assessed by removing one branch from the center of each colony for in situ examination of gametes at the branch base well below their expected sterile zone41. In instances where no eggs were observed, two additional branches were sampled to confirm that the ...
All samples were preserved in TRIzol reagent and maintained at -20 °C before transport back to Florida Atlantic University (FAU) Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute where they were stored at -80 °C prior to DNA extraction. Total genomic DNA was extracted from these samples using a modified C...
Mid-late holocene accretional history of low-lying, coral-reef rim islets, South-Marutea Atoll, Tuamotu, central South Pacific: The key role of marine hazard events Author links open overlay panelLucien F. Montaggioni a, Bernard Salvat b, Edwige Pons-Branchu c, Arnaud Dapoigny c, Bertrand...
We investigated the effect of local anthropogenic impacts on coral microbial communities on reefs near Jeddah, the largest city on the Saudi Arabian coast of the central Red Sea. We analyzed the bacterial community structure of water and corals (Pocillopora verrucosa and Acropora hemprichii) at ...
(see Methods) were retained, allowing robust inferences to be drawn. Ultimately, this resulted in 91 genes being used for reliable branch length estimation for the full phylogeny (Fig.1a). The resulting consensus phylogenetic tree clearly separates robust corals (GoniastreaandFungia) from complex ...
A small fragment (~1 cm) was cut off a central branch of 19 – 35 colonies at each site, making a total of 825 samples. Samples were collected at least five metres from their nearest sampled neighbour to minimise the inclusion of clones that were a result of fragmentation, and were kept...
A bootstrap resampling was also conducted for 500 replicates to assess relative branch support. Given that there are a small number of critical base substitutions (out of 321 aligned characters, 230 were invariable and 32 were parsimony-informative), bootstrapping probably underestimates the actual ...
or it could reveal that the branches lost were not only the apical branch but also side branches. It is like an autotomy procedure which was only observed in this species in laboratory conditions [58]. These observations plus the low mortality rate (5%) of transplants support and go in li...