India does not allow parallel protection and statutorily clarifies that copyright does not subsist in any design which has been registered under the Designs Act, 2000. Furthermore, though unregistered designs are protected under the realm of copyright law, copyright in any unregistered design that i...
Copyright Law in India – Special Reference to Software PiracyAnil Kumar
Under Copyright law in India, the copyright is exclusively provided to the creator of the work and specifically provides amongst other rights, the right to prevent others from reproducing, selling or licensing the work. Assignment of a copyright The first author of the work is the owner of the...
Violence against Christians of India in the first decade of the twenty-first century [electronic resource] / This copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproduction of copyright material.Under certain conditions specified in the...
Intellectual property law is good. Excess in intellectual property law is not. This blog is about excess in Canadian and international copyright law, trademarks law and patent law. I practice IP law with Macera & Jarzyna, LLP in Ottawa, Canada. I've also been in government and academe. My...
Herein an attempt has been made to examine the situation from a comparative law perspective wherein the legal position, as it stands vis-à-vis the broadcaster's right under the copyright law, in the United States, United Kingdom and India, has been discussed. The aim is to highlight the...
Notification to Passenger Charter of Rights for travel to/ from India (PDF), Link opens in a new window operated by external parties and may not conform to the same accessibility policies as Cathay Pacific . Notification of Rights to Benefits under the Israel Aviation Services Law (PDF), Link...
A life being infiltrated by strangers in the cut and thrust of buying and selling. Exposes the painful side of law enforcement. Awarded recognition from a small business federation. CANDLE *...
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Originality has a twofold requirement in Cyprus: the work needs to be a personal intellectual creation of its author and not a copy of an already existing work or draft or model of a work. Case-law has attempted to provide further interpretation, at leas