二、Copyleft vs. Permissive license 二者的主要区别在于合规性要求以及如何“open”修改的代码。通常,permissive只要求使用者在重新发布代码时包含许可证文本和原始版权声明的副本即可。例如,开发人员可以获取代码,修改代码以创建一个新程序,然后将该程序的代码保留给自己,使其成为私有的或闭源代码,即使是将修改后...
A copyleft license isn't the same thing as a permissive license, which grants users the freedom to do ANYTHING they want. Copyleft licenses still impose some demands. The most notable aspect of copyleft licenses is that theyrequireusers to distribute derivative works under a license that offers ...