Task 1: Copy-On-Write Trie 相比2022 Fall 的普通字典树,2023 Spring 对字典树提出了 copy-on-write 的要求(感谢同学提醒,和 OI 里可持久化字典树的概念比较接近)。在看代码的时候发现这些新增内容主要是助教 Alex Chi 写的,相比之下我的大学四年好像啥也没学会,哈哈哈。
In this project, you will implement a key-value store backed by a copy-on-write trie. Tries are efficient ordered-tree data structures for retrieving a value for a given key. To simplify the explanation, we will assume that the keys are variable-length strings, but in practice they can b...