题目: RMAN中的COPY命令与BACKUP命令生成的备份文件不同,BACKUP命令生成的备份集,文件中的数据是以RMAN的专有格式进行保存的。 A、对 B、错 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: RMAN的COPY命令生成的图像副本最好经过压缩来存储,以节约磁盘空间和提高恢复速度。 A、对 B、错 免费查看参考答案及解析 ...
3)Create a cross-platform backup set from the UNIVERSITY tablespace on the source system, using an RMAN command that includes the DAMAPUMP clause 4)Copy the cross-platform backup sets to the destination system 5)Copy the Data Pump dump set from the source to the destination system ...
0x07--Moving server side ASM SPfile to new ASM diskgroup 1[grid@myrac1 ~]$ sqlplus /as sysasm23SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Feb 9 06:51:27 201745Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved.678Connected to:9Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release 11...
rman中 Backup Set 与ImageCopy优缺点比较 Backup Set:一个备份集中可以包含多个数据文件,存储High Water Mark 下的数据块,并且可以采用压缩方式进行,故大小要小于原始数据文件的大小。restore与 recover的开销大。ImageCopy:一份拷贝对应一个数据文件,与数据文件等大。基本不需要解压缩,故restore与 recover的开销小。但...
9. Click Add Hosted Private Subnet to add the private networks that will be used at softlayer for Virtual Server deployments. ASA Configuration As mentioned earlier, Cisco ASA has been used on the VersaStack Private Cloud to create the IPSec VPN Tunnel, any supported customer...
Despite having a working configuration of RMAN for backup, I am interested in implementing a reliable backup method. Although there are several suggested workarounds available, such as utilizingto_timestamp, none of them have proven effective. ...