copy: ctrl + insert paste: shift + insert
If you have more data in the terminal than can be selected via the mouse, select an anchor point with the mouse (or multiple lines), then scroll the terminal down to the end. While holding Shift, to drop a closing anchor. Right-click, select "Copy", paste your contents into a text ...
source : How to Cut, Copy, and Paste in the Terminal If you're new to the Terminal, Pasting Commands probably seems like a godsend. Until it doesn't work. Here's how to do it properly. Cutting, Copying a...
open Integrated Terminal run tmux try to copy-paste text with mouse My tmux.conf: set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" set -g status-keys vi set -g mode-keys vi unbind C-b set -g prefix C-a set -g mouse on setw -g aggressive-resize on setw -g clock-mode-style 24 set -...
CopyandPasteinTmux::rockyourcodeCopyandPasteinTmux::rockyourcode A few days ago, I wanted to copy text from my tmux shell. Unfortunately, the defaults from your standard terminal and shell ([kitty][kitty] and [fish][fish]) don’t work, as tmux has its own key bindings. I came ...
Hello everyone, I am running a Digital Ocean Ubuntu 20.04 Server through my terminal on Windows Powershell, and when I try to paste copied text or commands onto the terminal in order to execute a command, it does not materialize. This happens when I copy anything fr...
How to Cut, Copy, and Paste in the Terminal 2014-05-04 15:10 −source : How to Cut, Copy, and Paste in the Terminal If you'r... 修身齐家治国平天下 ...
I just installed a Ubuntu server. It installed open-vm-tools. No copy/paste available. But if I try to install open-vm-tools-desktop to try and get the desktop-focused features (including copy/paste), it wants to drag along X and Wayland as dependencies. If open ...
I want to disable copy/paste option in GUI for Ubuntu 20. I am accessing GUI via RDP. For this I have install xrdp in Ubuntu.
也就是说,当你使用 Windows Terminal 作为你连接和使用远程 linux 上的 neovim 时,你就可以直接使用OSC-52协议进行剪贴板传输,请放心使用。 然后,我们需要在远程的 neovim 中配置g:clipboard变量。这个变量分为两个部分,一部分是 copy,另一部分是 paste。copy 部分是当执行"*y或者"+y的时候,把选中的内容作为参...