設置Outlook規則以自動將電子郵件複製到另一個文件夾 設置Outlook規則以自動將電子郵件複製到另一個文件夾 此方法將指導您創建Outlook規則,以通過Outlook中的指定主題關鍵字將電子郵件自動複製到另一個文件夾。 請執行以下操作: 1。 選擇您要為其創建規則的郵件文件夾,然後單擊首頁>規則>管理規則和警報。 看截圖: 2。
Move using drag and drop in new Outlook Select the item you want to move. Drag to the destination folder, and then release the mouse button. Notes: If the folder you want to move or copy the message to does not appear because it is in a collapsed folder, hover the ...
Sign in to your account Sign in Outlook stops responding when you try to copy a folder to its subfolder by using Outlook in online mode in an Exchange Server 2010 SP1 environment Symptoms Assume...
In many cases, you want to copy folders and subfolders for backup, but Xcopy can only make a folder duplication. If you want to copy files, folders, or hard drives for backup, you need reliable backup software. With a powerful and professional tool, you can even create asystem backupto ...
communication and collaboration. To enhance your workflow and optimize data management, it's essential to bridge the gap between these tools, especially Outlook and OneDrive. In this article, I'll explore how to seamlessly copy Outlook email attachments to a OneDrive or SharePoint folder using ...
Outlook) (RuleActions.CopyToFolder 屬性 發行項 2023/04/07 6 位參與者 意見反應 本文內容 語法 註解 另請參閱 會傳回 MoveOrCopyRuleAction.ActionType 為olRuleActionCopyToFolder 的MoveOrCopyRuleAction物件。 唯讀。 語法 expression。 CopyToFolder 表達 代表RuleActions 物件的 變數。 註解 列舉...
Copy/forward all existing emails from one email account in Outlook to Gmail account With Kutools for Outlook’s Forward (Multiple Mails) feature, you can quickly forward all or multiple emails to any email account separately in Outlook. 1. In the Mail view, open one mail folder o...
MAPI_E_FOLDER_CYCLE 直接或間接執行複製或移動作業的來源物件包含目的地物件。 在探索到此條件之前,可能已執行大量工作,因此來源和目的地物件可能會部分修改。 MAPI_E_INTERFACE_NOT_SUPPORTED 目的地物件不支援lpInterface參數所識別的介面。 MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS ...
適用於:Outlook 2013 |Outlook 2016 將訊息從一個資料夾複製或移動到另一個資料夾。 C++ HRESULTCopyMessages( LPCIID lpSrcInterface, LPVOID lpSrcFolder, LPENTRYLIST lpMsgList, LPCIID lpDestInterface, LPVOID lpDestFolder, ULONG_PTR ulUIParam, LPMAPIPROGRESS lpProgress, ULONG ulFlags ); ...
適用於:Outlook 2013 |Outlook 2016 複製或移動一或多個訊息。 C++複製 HRESULTCopyMessages( LPENTRYLIST lpMsgList, LPCIID lpInterface, LPVOID lpDestFolder, ULONG_PTR ulUIParam, LPMAPIPROGRESS lpProgress, ULONG ulFlags ); 參數 lpMsgList [in]ENTRYLIST結構陣列的指標,識別要複製或行動的訊息。