一、Kotlin中深拷贝的实现方式一 DeepCopy.kt 文件 , 内容如下: packagecom.stone.demo.basic.deepcopy1classDeepCopy{}interfaceDeepCopyable<outR>{fundeepCopy():R}// 一. kotlin实现对象的深度拷贝// 实现方式: 使用 直接 "创建对象" 的方式实现深度拷贝// 优点: 可以用于 "data-class" 和 "非data-c...
out.println(var3); } // $FF: synthetic method public static void main(String[] var0) { main(); } } 关注 数据类 Student 的结构声明 , Kotlin 编译器在编译时自动给数据类添加上了结构声明 ; 代码语言:javascript 复制 @NotNull public final String component1() { return this.name; } public...
d2 = {"main", "", "KotlinDemo"} ) public final class HelloKt { public static final void main() { Student var0 = new Student("Tom", 18); boolean var1 = false; System.out.println(var0); } // $FF: synthetic method public static void main(String[] var0) { main(); } } 1...
method for property id at org.springframework.data.mapping.model.BeanWrapper$KotlinCopyUtil.setProperty(BeanWrapper.java:171) ~[na:na] at org.springframework.data.mapping.model.BeanWrapper.setProperty(BeanWrapper.java:79) ~[na:na] ... The code which fails is the following class: @Configuration ...
While trying around with Spring Boot 3 native-image + Kotlin I discovered an error when trying to save smth in a H2 database: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Kotlin class com.example.demo.News has no .copy(?) method for property id (The error is not present when running gradle ...
In above program, we created a nested list and then shallow copy it using copy() method. This means it will create new and independent object with same content. To verify this, we print the both old_list and new_list. To confirm that new_list is different from old_list, we try to ...
Here, we are only concerned about the writeText() method. Inside this method, we have to pass the variable content, which currently holds the entire text in string format. After that, this method will take the text and will copy it onto the clipboard. If this is successful, we will ...
git checkoutwas a command that did many things in old Git versions. One of them was switching to another branch. Git checkout remote branch to local was thus the old method to make a local copy. We first check out into the remote branch we want to copy. (Make sure you fetch the br...
The copy() method returns a shallow copy of the list. Example # mixed list prime_numbers = [2, 3, 5] # copying a list numbers = prime_numbers.copy() print('Copied List:', numbers) # Output: Copied List: [2, 3, 5] copy() Syntax The syntax of the copy() method is: new_...
年初开始我们就开始了关于Gradle Sync阶段的优化。之前和大家都简单的介绍过工程相关的背景情况了,我们...