TO { 'filename' | STDOUT } [ [ WITH ] [ BINARY ] [ OIDS ] [ DELIMITER [ AS ] 'delimiter' ] [ NULL [ AS ] 'null string' ] [ CSV [ QUOTE [ AS ] 'quote' ] [ ESCAPE [ AS ] 'escape' ] [ FORCE QUOTE column [, ...] ] 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.描述 COPY 在 PostgreSQL表...
COPY命令需要SUPERUSER权限才支持操作FILE文件,目前AnalyticDB PostgreSQL不提供SUPERUSER权限。 语法 \COPY导入数据的语法如下: \COPY table [(column [, ...])] FROM {'file' | STDIN} [ [WITH] [OIDS] [HEADER] [DELIMITER [ AS ] 'delimiter'] [NULL [ AS ] 'null string'] [ESCAPE [ AS ] 'es...
Similarly, the command specified with PROGRAM is executed directly by the server, not by the client application, must be executable by the PostgreSQL user. COPY naming a file or command is only allowed to database superusers or users who are granted one of the roles pg_read_server_files, ...
PostgreSQL 可以通过COPY批量导入或导出数据,如果是文件操作是在数据库的SERVER端操作,如果是STDIN, STDOUT则是通过协议透传到客户端。 Command:COPYDescription: copy data between a file and a tableSyntax:COPYtable_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ]FROM{'filename'|PROGRAM'command'|STDIN} [ [WITH] (...
copy customers to stdout(delimiter '|') 1. 拷贝表至文件,使用空格作为字段直接的分隔符: COPY customers TO '/database/data/test_data.copy' (DELIMITER ' '); 1. 2.2 导入文件至Postgresql表 传入文件至已经存在的表: COPY customers FROM '/database/data/test_data.copy' (DELIMITER ' '); ...
Hologres支持使用COPY命令进行本地文件的导入与导出。更多关于COPY命令的原理与用法请参见PostgreSQL官网COPY。 使用示例: 使用STDIN导入数据至Hologres,命令如下。 --创建Hologres表。 CREATE TABLE copy_test ( id int, age int, name text ) ; --导入数据至Hologres表。
TO { 'filename' | PROGRAM 'command' | STDOUT } [ [ WITH ] ( option [, ...] ) ] where option can be one of: FORMAT format_name FREEZE [ boolean ] DELIMITER 'delimiter_character' NULL 'null_string' HEADER [ boolean ] QUOTE 'quote_character' ...
The\copycommand in the PostgreSQLpsqlutility works with local files on the computer where you run thepsqlclient. It invokes the respectiveCOPY ... FROM STDINorCOPY ... FROM STDOUTcommand on the remote (for example, Limitless Database) server to which you connect. It reads data from the loc...
COPY命令需要SUPERUSER权限才支持操作FILE文件,目前AnalyticDB PostgreSQL不提供SUPERUSER权限。 语法 \COPY导入数据的语法如下: \COPY table [(column [, ...])] FROM {'file' | STDIN} [ [WITH] [OIDS] [HEADER] [DELIMITER [ AS ] 'delimiter'] [NULL [ AS ] ...