COPYtable_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ]FROMSTDIN [ [WITH] ( option [, ...] ) ]COPY{ ( query ) }TOSTDOUT [ [WITH] ( option [, ...] ) ]whereoption can beoneof: FORMAT format_name DELIMITER'delimiter_character'NULL'null_string'HEADER [boolean] QUOTE'quote_character'ESCAPE'...
COPY copy_test FROM STDIN WITH DELIMITER AS ',' NULL AS ''; 53444,24,wangming 55444,38,ligang 55444,38,luyong \. --查询表中的数据。 SELECT * FROM copy_test; 说明 PSQL客户端仅支持使用STDIN(标准输入)方式导入数据,HoloWeb暂不支持使用命令行方式导入数据。 使用STDIN方式导入CSV格式的文件至...
COPYtable_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ]FROMSTDIN [ [WITH] ( option [, ...] ) ]COPY{ ( query ) }TOSTDOUT [ [WITH] ( option [, ...] ) ]whereoption can beoneof: FORMAT format_name DELIMITER'delimiter_character'NULL'null_string'HEADER [boolean] QUOTE'quote_character'ESCAPE'...
其中可选参数copy_option子句语法为: OIDS|NULL'null_string'|HEADER|FILEHEADER'header_file_string'|FREEZE|FORCE_NOT_NULLcolumn_name[,...]|FORCE_QUOTE{column_name[,...]|*}|BINARY|CSV|QUOTE[AS]'quote_character'|ESCAPE[AS]'escape_character'|EOL'newline_character'|ENCODING'encoding_name'|IGNORE...
其中可选参数copy_option子句语法为: OIDS | NULL 'null_string' | HEADER | FILEHEADER 'header_file_string' | FREEZE | FORCE_NOT_NULL column_name [, ...] | FORCE_QUOTE { column_name [, ...] | * } | BINARY | CSV | QUOTE [ AS ] 'quote_character' | ESCAPE [ AS ] 'escape_ch...
FROM<image>[:<tag>] [AS <name>] FROM<image>[@<digest>] [AS <name>] 任何Dockerfile 中的第一条指令必须为 FROM 指令。并且,如果在同一个 Dockerfile 中创建多个镜像,可以使用多个 FROM 指令(每个镜像一次)。 在Dockerfile 中可以多次出现 FROM 指令,当 FROM 第二次或者之后出现时,表示在此刻构建时...
wholeTextType: BooleanWhether to read a file as a single record.Default value: falseORC optionsExpand table Option mergeSchemaType: BooleanWhether to infer the schema across multiple files and to merge the schema of each file.Default value: falseRelated...
wholeTextType: BooleanWhether to read a file as a single record.Default value: falseORC optionsExpand table Option mergeSchemaType: BooleanWhether to infer the schema across multiple files and to merge the schema of each file.Default value: falseRelated...
Specify the path to the PF_RING library sources. --set-protocol-module=PATH Settcpcopyto work with an external protocol module. --single If bothinterceptandtcpcopyare configured with the--singleoption, only onetcpcopyinstance will work withintercept, leading to better performance. ...
There are several popular frameworks you can pick from, such as AIDA and PAS. Both of them have their pros and cons, but they all have a single unifying purpose: to make people buy your product or service. TheAIDA formulais one of the most popular copywriting blueprints today. It works ...