Logic.a word or set of words that acts as a connecting link between the subject and predicate of a proposition. Discover More Other Words From cop u·laradjective Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofcopula1 1640–50;<Latincōpula,equivalent toco-co-+ap-fasten (apt) +-ula-ule ...
as inRussianandHungarian;determinedbythetypeofnominalpredicate,as inSwahili;ordeterminedbythesemanticcharacterofthesentence,as inKhmer.Certainverbsbesides“tobe”canfunctionascopulas;theseverbs,whichintroduceanadditionalnuancetothemeaningoftheelementslinkedbytheverb,includetheRussiannachinat’(“tobegin”),stanovi...
Thecopulais regarded by De Morgan as abstract in the sense that its logical behavior is fully determined by its relational properties. Instances of the copula, actual predicates of the language, would always carry extra meaning next and above their relational import. This extra meaning of a copul...
Definition of copulating Words that can be made with the letters in copulating Anagrams of copulatingDictionary definition of the word copulating The meaning of copulating copulating 1 definition of the word copulating. Verb Engage in sexual intercourseWhat Scrabble words can I make with the le...
thatis being used as an action verb, with the meaning of the sentence rendered to something like, "My tactile senses function quite poorly." What is meant, of course, is to modify theIwith the linking verb, saying something like, "Bad is an apt way to describe the state I am in."...
thatis being used as an action verb, with the meaning of the sentence rendered to something like, "My tactile senses function quite poorly." What is meant, of course, is to modify theIwith the linking verb, saying something like, "Bad is an apt way to describe the state I am in."...