30,31,154 In addition, compared with seawater splitting assisted by seawater oxidation, the UOR can circumvent chlorine generation due to its lower reaction potential than that for the chlorine evolution reaction (1.36 V vs. RHE).155,156 In alkaline electrolytes, the reaction principles of the ...
Aluminum substitutes for copper in power cables, electrical equipment, automobile radiators, and cooling and refrigeration tube; titanium and steel are used in heat exchangers; optical fiber substitutes for copper in telecommunications applications; and plastics substitute for copper in water pipe, drain ...
and T.G. Funding: The presented work was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and experiments were performed in the context of the "ReMiLas" project. The responsibility for this paper is taken by the authors. Acknowledgments: The RLW-A remote welding optics was ...