(a)To 50 cm3 of hydrochloric acid, add excess copper(ll) oxide/copper(ll) carbonate andstir.[1]Continue adding copper(ll) oxidelcopper(Il) carbonate while stirring until no moredissolves.[1]Filter the mixture to obtain copper(ll) chloride as the filtrate.[1]Heat the filtrate until it is...
Suppose you were dissolving zinc with hydrochloric acid. How would the particle size of the zinc affect the rate of its dissolution? Explain why the copper element has two ion charges. Describe the effects of adding Mn t...
Alkaline noncyanide zinc baths may be prepared by dissolving zinc oxide ZnO to sodium hydroxide and adding brighteners. The bath will contain zinc 8–10 g l−1 and NaOH 90–120 g l−1, and the zinc will be in the solution as Zn(OH)42−-ions (11,12). Most properties of the ...
Solid iron(II) sulfide reacts with aqueous hydrochloric acid to produce aqueous iron(II) chloride and hydrogen sulfide gas. Write a balanced chemical equation for this reaction. Write a balanced chemical equation for the following reaction. Copper(II) oxide reacts ...
Thus, the action of sodium peroxide on a solution of sodium cuprite, Na2CuO2, yields the oxide Cu2O4;a red powder that begins giving up oxygen at temperatures as low as 100°C. Cu2O3 is a strong oxidizing agent (for example, it displaces chlorine from hydrochloric acid). The chemical ...
The kinetics of reduction of liquid copper slag to recover non-ferrous elements such as Cu, Pb or Zn was investigated by various authors with different reactants. During reaction of slag with solid carbon authors found higher rate of copper oxide reduction with increasing temperature [123]. A ...
Forms an unstable acetylide when acetylene is passed over samples that have been heated enough to form an oxide coating. Reacts more rapidly in powdered or granular form. Subject to explosive reaction then mixed in finely divided form with finely divided bromates chlorates and iodates of barium...
CuCl2 is an anhydrous, brown solid copper salt which is soluble in water and gives a brownish aqueous solution when concentrated. When diluted, the solution changes its colour to green and then blue. CuCl2 is formed when copper(II) oxide, CuO, is treated with hydrochloric acid, HCl: CuO +...
What is the balanced chemical equation for the reactants copper metal and hydrochloric acid using compound formulas? (use Cu2+) What is the balanced equation for the copper oxide formation? The compound aluminum sulfate is a strong electrolyte. Write the chemical e...
When reduced, the metallic phase of CS is often an iron-based alloy, and the primary phases in CS are silicates and iron oxide. Cu can have a detrimental influence on the quality of pig iron produced during this process. However, Cu-containing anti-friction alloys and weather-resistant ...