1 OZ. COPPER FOIL TAPE Engineered for EMI/RFI shielding on small electro-magnetic components. Bright, clean electro-deposited copper foil is soft annealed for improved conformability making it ideal in aerospace and electrical markets. ∙ Outstanding adhesion is provided by an insulating, ...
定制铜箔胶带Copper foil masking tape导电屏蔽自粘铜箔生产厂家 苏州思美扬电子材料有限公司11年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 江苏 昆山市 ¥300.00 3M1182,3M 1182双导铜箔胶带 Copper Foil EMI Shielding Tape 上海单良实业有限公司10年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 ...
铜箔胶带 Copper Foil Tape 纯度高于99.95%,其功能为消除电磁(EMI)干扰,隔离电磁波对人体的伤害,避免不需要电压与电流而影响功能。 ꄴ上一个: RJ-207 铜箔胶带 RJ-207 Copper Foil Tape 产品介绍 对于接地后之静电泄放有良好的效果。粘贴力强、导电性能良好,可根据客户要求裁切成各种规格。
Wire Harness Copper Foil Tape Wrapping MachineProduct description: This is a copper foil tape wrapping machine for wires and cables. The enveloped diameter is up to 10 mm (only for round wires). Copper foil wrap around for stripped cable wire Model WL-TP2 Enveloped diameter up t...
Copper Foil Tape T2 T3 Aluminium Mylar Copper Color for Cable Shield, Find Details and Price about Aluminium Foil Copper Foil from Copper Foil Tape T2 T3 Aluminium Mylar Copper Color for Cable Shield - Hanyang (Hangzhou) Cable Co., Ltd.
铜箔是一种金属胶带,主要应用于电磁屏蔽,分电信号屏蔽和磁信号屏蔽两种,电信号屏蔽主要是依靠铜本身导电性能,而磁屏蔽则需要铜箔胶带的胶面导电物质“镍”来达到磁屏蔽的作用,因而被 应用于手机,笔记电脑和其他数码产品之中。 铜箔胶带分为单面覆胶和双面覆胶。单面覆胶的铜箔胶带又分为单导铜箔胶带和双导铜箔胶带...
Copper foil tape is a popular choice for use across a wide range of consumer and industrial application, Shanghai Metal Corporation can provide variety of high quality Copper Foil Tape products online
屏蔽材料铜箔胶带Copper Foil Tape双导铜箔内导铜箔型号/规格: 铜箔 品牌/商标: SP 了解详情 立即询价 上一篇:数控传真机薄膜线路 下一篇:供应YY2810DLCR自动测量仪相关产品图片 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS TPS65930A2ZCH 芯片, 电源管理器/音频编解码器, NFBGA-139 LATTICE SEMICONDUCTOR ISPPAC-POWR607-01SN32I 芯片, ...
Dongguan Hongteng Electronic Material Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of conductive metal materials, insulating materials and special adhesive tapes. Main products: copper foil tape, aluminum foil tape, acetate cloth tape, high temperature t
3M Copper Foil Tape 1181 At NEDC, we work with many materials that are used for EMI/RFI shielding, including gaskets, seals, and extrusions. Whilegasketsare our core product line, we also provide the value added benefit of converting 3M Copper Foil Tapes. 3M provides various different foil ...