PAGE PAGE 1 课型 Listening and Speaking 第一课时 Unit 1 Lesson 2 Understanding and Coping with Stress 1.教材分析 What (主要内容):本课包括两段听力材料。第一个材料是一段访谈,主要介绍了生活中遭受压力的群体、压力的来源和应对办法;第二段选自第一单元的workbook 中的材料,是两个学生之间的对话,一个...
The Mindfulness Workbook for Addiction: A Guide to Coping with the Grief, Stress, and Anger that Trigger Addictive BehavioursLogan, LouiseGrief Matters: The Australian Journal of Grief & Bereavement
Morrison-Breedy D, Côté-Arsenault D, Feinstein N (2001) Maximizing results with focus groups: moderator and analysis issues. Appl Nurs Res 14:48–53 Article Google Scholar Jacobsen PB, Phillips KM, Jim HSL et al (2012) Effects of self-directed stress management training and home-based ...
Review of The mindfulness workbook for addiction—A guide to coping with the grief, stress, and anger that trigger addictive behaviors.Ágoston, Csilla
The stress-and-coping model of forgiveness has been supported with a rich network of empirical findings (Strelan, forthcoming). Generally, unforgiveness is a negatively perceived emotion that activates the stress response and, when chronically activated, stress-related disorders are prevalent (for ...