Multiple AIDS-related lossgay menbereavementcopingThis study examined strategies gay men used to cope with multiple AIDS-related loss. One hundred forty-one gay men completed a questionnaire assessing how many losses they had experienced and how they had dealt with their losses. Participants chose ...
The COVID-19 pandemic brings with it a great deal of uncertainty, variability, and even confusion. Ambiguous losses are those that lack clarity and can lead to different assessments of exactly who or what has been lost (Boss, 2006). Often, doubt exists as to whether a loss has occurred, ...
LossesExperiencedbyPersonswithFASD PotentialTheabilitytomovealonginlifelike everyoneelseSelf-esteemandconfidenceSecurityaboutthefutureFriendshipsandintimatepartnerships CompoundedLoss/Stress:ImpactonCaregivers CompassionfatigueDepression,anxiety,hypochondriaCombativeness,sensationofbeingonfast ...
Another multivariate multiple regression was calculated (see Table6) to predict the non-quantitative properties of sex life during the pandemic (i.e., sexual desire and satisfaction with sex life serving as outcomes/dependent variables) based on the coping use indices (i.e., predictors/independent...
Grief doesn’t always stem from the death of a loved one. In recovery, individuals often grapple with multiple layers of loss: Loss of relationships strained or broken by addiction Loss of career opportunities or financial stability Loss of time spent in active addiction ...
Ray-Bennett NS (2009) Coping with multiple disasters and diminishing livelihood resources caste, class, and gender perspectives: the case from Orissa, India. Reg Dev Dialogue 30(1):108–120 Google Scholar Richards P (1986) Coping with hunger. Heinemann, London Google Scholar Rocheleau DE, St...
Struggling with distress after infant loss? Online therapy can help you cope Infant loss and posttraumatic stress Over 20 years of research suggests that many people experience posttraumatic stress after losing an infant or pregnancy. These types of losses are often described by the terms “perinatal...
examine how the resources that underlie coping are both influenced by extreme stress and how resources set the course for people's reactions to extreme stress / apply COR [Conservation of Resources] theory to the process of coping with extreme stress and rely on this general explanatory framework...
Safety planning typically focuses on women, overlooking their multiple social identities and excluding their children. We explored safety strategies used by mothers and children coping together with severe domestic violence. Method Interviews with 30 mothers who experienced severe or potentially life-...
Has your spiritual community experienced ecological losses? Among other things, this kind of information would provide opportunities to explore various possible forms of disenfranchised ecological grief. Ecological guilt “[Michael (torn with eco-anxiety)]: ‘Can God forgive us? For what we’ve done...