Introduction-Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Do you have trouble concentrating in meetings? Do you find yourself forgetting what you just read? Do you constantly fight a losing battle at "getting organised"? Do you become "depressed" too often?
It manifests in childhood and frequently persists into adulthood with an estimated prevalence of adult ADHD of 2.5% (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013; Simon et al., 2009). ADHD is characterized by a consistent pattern of increased inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, which ...
(April–May 2020) in Northern Italy. Adult participants completed an online questionnaire in both studies. Correlation, multivariate regression, and moderation analyses were carried out with IBM SPSS version 28 and its PROCESS macro. Significance of differences in correlation and regression coefficients ...
Children with ADHD grow up to be adults with ADHD. It is estimated that around 60 percent of the kids who have been diagnosed with this disorder continue to have symptoms well into their adult years. This means that around4 percent of the US populationis living with adult ADHD. Of course,...
Adults are thought to show a sleep-stress spiral in which greater stress worsens sleep quality, which amplifies stress, which leads to worse sleep. This study examined whether adolescents show a similar spiral, and if so, whether coping self-efficacy—believing one can cope with stress—interrupts...
当当书之源外文图书在线销售正版《预订 The Adult ADHD Tool Kit: Using CBT to Facilitate Coping Inside and Ou [ISBN:9780415815895]》。最新《预订 The Adult ADHD Tool Kit: Using CBT to Facilitate Coping Inside and Ou [ISBN:9780415815895]》简介、书评、试读、价
Health, Well-being, and Adult ADHD 17. Your Relationship with Technology--Good Servant, Poor Master 18. Committing to Undoing the Effects of Adult ADHD 19. The Role of Medication in the Treatment of Adult ADHD 20. Conclusions Appendix A: Online Resources and Organizations Appendix B: ...
with learning difficulties reported higher levels of loneliness compared with individuals without learning difficulties. Moreover, self-efficacy, proactive coping, and hope mediated the relations between levels of learning difficulties and loneliness. Specifically, the final model emphasized the important role...