AROUND one in 100 people in the UK are autistic. The cause of autism is still being investigated, though a combination of genetic and environmental factors are behind the changes in brain development it brings.Daily Post (Liverpool, England)...
(NINDS, NIH, 2009) The rise in the rate of the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders makes it essential for social workers to gain insight into its impact on families including the siblings. Limitations in social interaction and empathy in a child with autism can have both positive and ...
Background and Objectives: Parenting a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is challenging and can result in elevated levels of parenting stress. This study investigated the relationship between parent-ratings of their child’s ASD symptoms and two conceptually different measures of parenting ...
Religious coping by mothers of children with autism Raising a child with autism can be a great source of stress and may be linked to parents' well-being and psychological distress. As such, it is important to understand the coping strategies commonly used by parents in order to offer the ....
You still are a child yourself and you need to build your life first so you could give you child what it needs to grow up healthy and happy. I know that all these reasons are clear to you, but emotions are other thing because you can't just persuade yourself to not feel sad or not...
Coping style represents the cognitive and behavioral patterns to manage particular demands appraised as taxing the resources of individuals. Studies report associations between certain coping styles and levels of adjustment of anxious symptomatology and
Counseling psychology Support group for caregivers coping with their child diagnosed with autism| A grant proposal CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITYLONG BEACH Marilyn Potts GomezSilviaThe purpose of this project was to design a program, identify potential funding sources, and write a grant proposal to secure...
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are increasingly recognized in developing countries like India. However, little is known about the experiences of parents raising a child with ASD. This study aimed to describe the experiences of families in Goa, India with a view to understanding the unmet needs ...
Caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may find it difficult to feel a sense of control and to cope with the overall physical and emotional demands of caring for their child. While caregivers are able to successfully cope with a high level of stress, there are limits to ...
AUTISMMETAREPRESENTATIONTHEORY OF MINDDRAWINGInvestigated coping, sense of coherence, and family climate among parents in 78 families with disabled children and 83 control families. The parents with disabled children showed significantly more avoidant coping, lower sense of coherence, and less emphasis on...