There are a number of effectivetreatments for PTSDand treating PTSD can lead to improvements in other areas of your life. For example, when people successfully treat their PTSD, they often find that other disorders go away as well (although their other conditions may require specific, targeted t...
coping,kristina,kristina randle,major depressive,major depressive disorder,overtime,ptsd,therapyAsk theTherapistPsychotherapy
we hope to shed light on the importance of addressing trauma and seeking assistance in the healing process. Whether you are a survivor of a recent accident or supporting someone who is, this article aims to provide valuable insights and resources to aid in coping with the aftermath of such a...
Consider supportivetherapyfor yourself; do couple therapy to have a safe place to learn what your partner needs most; sit in on a session with their therapist to get some guidelines. Handling this all by yourself can be draining and challenging. Taking care of yourself will enable you t...
celexa,coping,lithium,ocd,ptsd,valproic acidAsk theTherapistPsychotherapy