you’ve lost a home, or a cherished relationship has ended. The loss of a loved one can be challenging in its own way and may cause feelings of grief, sadness, anger, or fear. Although the grieving process can be unique and takes time to get through, there are ways to reach out fo...
At a Loss for Words: Grieving Your Old Life After speaking with many people diagnosed with chronic illnesses, Nicole has observed that they often feel adouble loss: the life they had before theirdiagnosisand the future they might have had without the illness. “A lot of people mourn the los...
Hobfoll's Conservation of Resources Theory further elucidates this by linking QOL to personal resource levels, suggesting that managing and augmenting resources like resilience and coping skills enhances life satisfaction and health, particularly in high-stress environments [28]. Previous findings suggest ...
Grief and loss are universal human experiences, but for those in addiction recovery, these emotions can pose unique challenges.
The importance of coping mechanisms for well-being 9 healthy coping skills for challenging emotions Which coping style works best for you? Learn how to cope in a healthy way Change is constant, and it’s overwhelming. That’s true whether the change is positive or negative, expected or unexpe...
Understanding the changes that grief and loss can cause. Time can be spent exploring the relationship with the deceased, both previously and how to continue it into the future, changes to the client’s sense of self, purpose, or future, reviewing coping skills, and more. ...
The death of a parent is the most common form of bereavement in the United States. Even if you feel you are coping well with your father’s death, holidays can be particularly difficult. Here are some suggestions to help manage your loss while honoring y...
of the loss. But instead of memorials and funerals, where loved ones offer love and support with good old-fashioned hugs, during the previous two years the bereaved have found new ways to grieve using phones and laptops. Things are loosening up, but it has been difficult for many. In his...
Sometimes it’s helpful to face your emotions head-on. For example, feeling sad after the death of a loved one can help you honor your loss. So while it would be important to use coping skills to help relieve some of your distress, coping strategies shouldn’t be about constantly distract...
LMFT, PMH-C. But progress, whether for kids or adults, is seldom a straight line. Besides, everyone learns at a different pace. Being patient can create a supportive environment for your kid to learn and improve their coping skills without pressure. ...