在 新版 Outlook 中,选择“主页”>“新建邮件”。 若要启动新消息,请在工具栏中选择 Copilot图标。 从下拉菜单中选择“使用 Copilot 生成草稿”。 在Copilot 框中,键入提示。 例如 ,“让团队知道,我们决定使用粘土瓦片并继续操作,以便我们在截止时间完成。” ...
accounts using outlook.com, hotmail.com, live.com, and msn.com email addresses at this time. Any Microsoft account using an account from a third-party email provider, such as a Gmail, Yahoo, or iCloud, can still use Outlook, but won't have access to the Copilot feat...
对于忙碌的客户服务代表来说,从客户电子邮件中快速提取关键信息并起草正确的回复可能是一项挑战。 Microsoft 365 服务用 Copilot 只需几秒钟即可为您完成? 当您在 Outlook 中打开电子邮件时,服务用 Copilot 会显示电子邮件中最重要信息的摘要。 轻松起草回复,并在侧窗格中显示摘要 - 或者更简单的是,让服务用 Co...
accounts using outlook.com, hotmail.com, live.com, and msn.com email addresses at this time. Any Microsoft account using an account from a third-party email provider, such as a Gmail, Yahoo, or iCloud, can still use Outlook, but won't have access to the...
Applies ToOutlook for Microsoft 365 Outlook for Microsoft 365 for Mac Outlook on the web New Outlook for Windows Outlook for Android Outlook for iOS Have an important email to write and want to feel confident that it effectively conveys your intended message? With Co...
A newDraft with Copilotwindow will open in Outlook. Here, you have to type a prompt as per your requirement. For example, suppose, you are not happy with the performance appraisal in your organization and you want to write an email regarding that to your manager, you can write a prompt...
身為Northwind Traders 的 CFO,您想要使用 Outlook 中的 Copilot,來草擬電子郵件給公司的健康保險業者,Humongous Insurance。 您的保險代理人最近通知您,Northwind 的健康保險費用將全面上漲 - 個人保單超過 9%,家庭保單超過 15%。 這個上漲率遠高於產業平均值。
use but cannot get the icon to outlook calendar view as it shows in your demo. I have Copilot use only in Outlook email where I can summarize, modify etc. the emails. How can I get Copilot to calendar that I can start testing how to schedule meetings. edited -> ...
Instantly get your Personal AI messages sent right to your Microsoft Outlook with this efficient workflow. Anytime you have a new message from My AI Copilot, it triggers an email via Outlook, ensuring you never miss important alerts or information. I...
5. Enter your Education email. How to use Microsoft copilot login? Upon securing access, using Microsoft 365 Copilot is a breeze: Activate Copilot: Within any integrated Microsoft 365 app – such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Teams – look for the Copilot icon in the app’s...