如果您不喜歡簡報的第一個版本,只需讓 PowerPoint 中的 AI 重試並生成新版本。 探索不同的樣式和版面配置,直到找到完美匹配為止。 取得您可能沒有想到的創意建議和構想。 如果你決定要走不同的方向,嘗試現代、創新的設計,而無需投入時間,因為花太多時間可能會讓您退縮。
Set yourself up for Success: Copilot pre-requisites In PowerPoint, the Copilot icon can be found on the Home ribbon. If the Copilot button is greyed out (inaccessible), we need to make sure that we have completed the following steps: Save the presentation to the OneDrive account asso...
Note:This feature is currently rolling out toMicrosoft 365 Insidersand will be coming soon for all Copilot subscribers. If you don't see it yet, you can stillcreate presentations with Copilot chat. Create a new presentation in PowerPoint. ...
Need a quick summary of a longer presentation? Let Copilot summarize the key points for you. Have access to Copilot? Try it today. Try in PowerPoint Learn more Organize your presentation Allow Copilot to restructure your slides. You decide if the changes work for you. Already have access?
To create a PowerPoint presentation by using Copilot without a Microsoft 365 subscription, you need to type prompts in the Copilot application. For example, you can directly ask Copilot to create a presentation on your topic. Let’s say, you want to create a presentation on Biofuels, you ...
Microsoft 365 专属 PowerPointMicrosoft 365 Mac 版专属 PowerPointPowerPoint for iPad 注意:此功能适用于拥有适用于 Microsoft 365 的 Copilot(工作)许可证或 Copilot Pro(家庭)许可证的客户。 有关如何获取 Copilot 的信息,请参阅从哪里可以获取 Microsoft Copilot?
If you want to learn how torecord a presentationquickly, we have a separate guide with detailed steps for you. Or if you are looking for a way toinsert a video on PowerPoint web app, we got you covered. To conclude, you can create wonderful presentation with appropriate information using ...
接下来我们看看学术狗和社畜民工们乐此不疲的幻灯片Presentation。 2、Powerpoint里的Copilot 显然,在MS发布Copilot时,最受人瞩目的功能即基于给定的Word文档自动生成幻灯片的功能,对社畜以及要在学会上汇报自己论文的学术狗来说,属实是未来福音。然而,大善人MS在面向个人/家庭版的Copilot Pro(你敢相信带Pro的也能...
Integrated into Microsoft 365 apps, Copilot is an orchestration engine that goes beyond ChatGPT. This AI-powered tool comes embedded in Office apps including PowerPoint, Word, Excel, and Outlook. Whether you need to create a PowerPoint presentation, need inspiration for a speech, want to summa...
When you start a new presentation, you can have Copilot create a first draft for you. SelectCopiloton the ribbon to launch the Copilot pane, then tell it what you want or use the suggested prompts. For example, you could enter "Create a presentation about the history of soccer...