Copilot for Microsoft 365 is a revolutionary AI-powered assistant that helps you create, communicate, and collaborate more effectively. It can generate high-quality content, summarize information, suggest actions, and enhance your skills across Microsoft 365 apps. Copilot for Microsoft 365...
The Copilot for Microsoft 365 Workshop is a 4 steps activity designed to help you evaluate the benefits of Copilot for Microsoft 365, understand how it can align to your needs, explore potential solutions, and develop a plan to implement Copilot for Microsoft 365 scen...
了解Microsoft Copilot for Service新發布 加入Rajesh Jha、Jared Spataro 和其他領導者,了解 Microsoft Copilot 將如何釋放生產力,改變各個職能和產業中每個人的業務流程。 Microsoft Copilot for Service將組織的可信賴知識與Copilot for Microsoft365 的強大功能整合在一起,提高客服專員工作效率,針對客戶問題和對話提供...
Today, we are bringing the power of next-generation AI to work. Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot — your copilot for work. It combines the power of large language models (LLMs) with your data inthe MicrosoftGraph andthe Microsoft365 apps to turn your words into the most powerful productivit...
美国华盛顿雷德蒙德,2023年3月17日——微软公司宣布,将通过国际版 Microsoft 365 Copilot(Microsoft 365 Copilot)为其工作场所生产力工具带来全新一代人工智能的强大功能。微软 Copilot 将大型语言模型(LLM)的强大功能与业务数据和 Microsoft 365 应用相结合,帮助用户释放创造力,解锁生产力并升级各种技能。目前,微软公...
Microsoft 365 Copilot— your copilot for work!Humans are hard-wired to dream, to create, to ...
今天,微软还将 Copilot for Microsoft 365 开放给了更多企业用户。去年,该服务仅面向 300 人以上的大型企业,目前微软已经取消了这一限制,允许绝大多数企业用户以每人每月 30 美元的价格订阅服务。 参考内容:发布...
“I’ve been impressed with how quickly our employees have put it to work for them.” She would know—her team recently deployed Microsoft 365 Copilot to more than 300,000 employees and vendors across the world. “The contents of this guide are based ...
3月17日消息,当地时间周四(3月16日),微软通过其官网宣布,正在将其基于GPT-4的人工智能(AI)技术植入到其Office办公软件当中,该功能名为“Microsoft 365 Copilot”。微软称其是基于大语言模型的下一代AI生产力技术,目前已经向部分商业用户开放。 Microsoft 365 负责人Jared Spataro表示:“Copilot 是一种全新的工作...
Copilot for Outlook not working on our company email-adress? Hi, We have Microsoft 365 Business subscription, and i have downloaded Copilot in Outlook. But I still dont get access to making it draft emails. I have read several places that it only works with,, live...