您可以在 OneDrive 里这么操作(选中文件旁的共享图标并点选复制),或者在 Word 应用中(选择共享并选择复制链接)。~ 要是您用的是 Word 的网络版,就选中文件名旁边的云图标,再选 OneDrive,然后挑共享图标并点选复制。 2. 选择 Copilot 一旦您有了链接,启动 PowerPoint 应用程序。如果您愿意,您可以点击“设计器...
Copilot 可以为你生成一个 PowerPoint 演示文稿 Spataro 说:“为了构建 Copilot,我们不仅仅是将 ChatGPT 连接到 Microsoft 365。Microsoft 365 Copilot 是由我们称之为 Copilot 系统的东西驱动的。”这个系统将 Microsoft 365 应用程序,如 Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint 与数据和智能的 Microsoft Graph 以及 GPT-4 ...
Copilot for Word全新功能:引用邮件和会议内容进行撰写 Copilot for PowerPoint发生重大变化,这些要点不得不看:重写、翻译、插图、注释 Copilot for PPT全新功能:引用邮件和会议内容进行生成 5分钟速览微软CEO在2024年Ignite大会上的主题演讲PPT:干货、要点都在这里了!其中最引人瞩目的是copilot agents新功能,关...
雖然您可以選取 Word 功能區上的[Copilot]圖示來開啟 Copilot 窗格,但無法使用[重新產生] 選項,因為您已無法再使用 Copilot 草稿模式。 使用[Copilot] 窗格在 Word 中與 Copilot 聊天 當您開啟現有的 Word 文件時,您可以選取 Word 功能區上的Copilot圖示來開啟[Copilot] 窗格。...
最近,Microsoft推出的Copilot AI工具进一步简化了这一过程,尤其是在将Word文档转换为PowerPoint演示文稿时。此功能是Microsoft 365套件中的一部分,旨在帮助用户轻松生成专业的演示材料,使得面对空白幻灯片的情况不再令人畏惧。随着数字工作环境的日益普及,这项功能不仅提升了用户的工作效率,也对市场的智能办公工具产生了深远...
embedded in Office apps including PowerPoint, Word, Excel, and Outlook. Whether you need to create a PowerPoint presentation, need inspiration for a speech, want to summarize a lengthy document, analyze data in Excel, or create customer-ready responses in Outlook, Microsoft 365 Copilot has yo...
Step 1:First of all, create a new document upon launching WPS Office. Open WPS Office Step 2:On the top of the window, you will notice a widget named WPS AI. Click on the widget and another widget will then appear on the document. ...
PressAlt+H,FXto open the Copilot pane and type "Create a presentation from." Tip:Copilot in PowerPoint is only able to create presentations from Word documents. Navigate to Word and copy the URL of the document you'd like to use. ...
Create from a document Note:The feature is available to customers with a Microsoft 365 Copilot (work) license. If you have a Word document prepared that contains your intended content, you can provide that as the basis for your new presentation. Open the Copilot pane and type or selectCreat...
From File, click New and choose Blank presentation. On the Home tab, click Copilot. Choose the prompt, “Create a presentation from file.” In this example we are going to use an existing Word document. To use an existing file, the file needs to be saved in OneDrive. Click th...