【注意:通过 vscode 快捷键:control + enter 也可以实时看到并选择使用某个建议结果,如下图所示。】 有时候我们要实现的功能可能比较复杂,虽然你有一些思路,但是搞起来会有点麻烦,此时可以借助 Copilot Chat 来实现高级代码提示,例如: 【注意:对于稍复杂的功能,最好给出相对完整的功能描述甚至是你的大致思路或者关...
微软公司旗下 GitHub 宣布,GitHub Copilot Chat 现可用于 JetBrains 开发的一系列集成开发环境(IDE)。这些集成开发环境包括 PyCharm、IntelliJ IDEA(Google的 Android Studio 基于此开发)、WebStorm、Rider 等。 GitHub Copilot Chat 由 OpenAI 最先进的公共大型语言模型(LLM)GPT-4 支持。该工具具有上下文感知功能,可...
中的Copilot Chat现已面向所有 Copilot 个人、商业和企业客户全开放。 由GPT-4驱动的GitHub Copilot Chat可在PyCharm、IntelliJ IDEA、WebStorm、Rider 等各种 JetBrains IDE 中提供即时指导。这款上下文感知工具可根据您的特定编码任务定制建议,甚至允许明确添加文件以供参考。它能帮助开发人员处理复杂的概念、代码解释...
而JetBrains AI Assistant则深度整合在IDE中,除了具备代码提示和建议的功能外,还支持AI Chat等Copilot插件不支持的功能。它使用的也是OpenAI的技术,但同时依赖JetBrains的内部模型。这使得它在某些功能上与Github Copilot有所区别,例如文档生成功能仅限于Java、Kotlin和Python项目。此外,一些用户反馈表示,AI Assistant在理...
Note that VS Code chat participants are not supported in this implementation. Feedback and questions 💬 We want to hear your feedback! Share your experience and suggestions for the GitHub product team, client teams (e.g. JetBrains-specific feedback) or third-party extension publishers in our...
Read our GitHub Copilot tutorial to learn how to configure and safely use this tool with IntelliJ in Java development projects.
电脑不能联网,离线安装插件后,打开IEDA报错,然后插件也不能用。 I configured plugin to use Ollama and a custom model downloaded and running in Ollama, but when starting a new chat, this plugin always returns "未登录 请点击此处登录" in answer and never ca
using-github-copilot-code-suggestions-in-your-editor.md data/reusables/copilot chat-access-denied.md chat-dotcom-prerequisites.md jetbrains-compatible-ides.md jetbrains-plugin-prerequisites.md quickstart-intro.md quickstart-nextsteps1.md quickstart-nextsteps2.md ...
I decided to enter the challenge using GitHub Copilot Chat for IntelliJ IDEA to learn about Copilot and see how much it could help me in a fairly niche performance optimization task. GitHub Copilot Chat GitHub Copilot Chat is a chat interface that lets you ask and receive answers to ...
who can I add the API key to IntelliJ? 1 reply Reply 0 Harry Manson 29.06.2023 Reply 0 ISTVAN NOVAK 04.05.2023 ![IDE error occurred Exception in plugin occured... repeatedly and its not working in PyCharm 2023.1.1 (Community Edition) Build #PC-231.8770.66, built on April 27, 2023 Ru...