Use a Question node in Microsoft Copilot Studio to ask the user a question and store their response in a variable.
Ask your personal AI assistant to explore any topic, use AI-powered search, generate AI images and more. Learn how to use your AI helper to save time, work smarter and improve any task.
Ask a question Ask the customer a question. Ask with adaptive card Create a JSON snippet to exchange with other apps. Author using conditions Branch your conversation based on a condition. Variable management Set a value, parse a value, or clear all variables. Manage topics Redirect, transfer,...
Send a message Send the customer a message. Ask a question Ask the customer a question. Ask with adaptive card Create a JSON snippet to exchange with other apps. Author using conditions Branch your conversation based on a condition. Variable management Set a value, parse a value, or clear ...
Copilot 可以根據語意模型資料建立之資料視覺效果回答問題。 告訴 Copilot 您要尋找的答案,如果尚未在報表上將其視覺化,Copilot 會查詢您的模型,並以資料視覺效果的形式回答您的問題。在您開始使用 Intune 之前使用這項功能之前,請確定您符合 Copilot 使用需求。
GitHub CoPilot is a paid feature. If you do not have a paid version, you can try it, but eventually, you will need a paid account. Once installed successfully, you will see the GitHub Copilot Chat icon in your left sidebar. Step 2. Ask a Question Now, if you write any code or...
2. Next, let's ask Copilot a question about our data\n\n Prompt: \"What are the top 10 days with the lowest birth rate and give a rationale.\"\n\n With this prompt, Copilot creates a table with the days with the lowest birth rate, and it gives us an explanation that Decem...
Ask a question about a knowledge base Find out about the changes in a pull request Ask a question about a specific issue or commit For more information, seeAsking GitHub Copilot questions in GitHub. Next steps Find out more about GitHub Copilot Chat- SeeAsking GitHub Copilot questions in yo...
In GitHub Mobile, you can use Copilot Chat to ask: General software-related questions, without a particular context. For more information, see Asking a general question about software development. Questions asked in the context of your project. For more information, see Ask...
If you happen to ask a question that can be answered by an existing visual within the report, Power BI will search and pinpoint you to that exact visual to help you quickly navigate and get immediate insights. To learn more about the current limitations on the type of supported ...