that marine currents are the major factor of the plastic waste movement into the marine environment, an approach for determining of sea surface flows using zonal and meridional components of ocean currents velocity data of "Physics analysis and forecast" products delivered by Copernicus Marine Service...
Home: Package license: EUPL-1.2 Summary: A command line and python interface to explore and download all the products provided by the Copernicus Marine Data Store without quotas Current build status All platforms: ...
Thecopernicusmarineoffers capabilities through both Command Line Interface (CLI) and Python API: Metadata Information: List and retrieve metadata information on all variables, datasets, products, and their associated documentation. Subset Datasets: Subset datasets to extract only the parts of interest, in...
3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ...
Home: Package license: EUPL-1.2 Summary: A command line and python interface to explore and download all the products provided by the Copernicus Marine Data Store without quotas ...
The Marine Strategy Framework, the EU Biodiversity Directives, the EU's environmental policy are simply part of the legal framework that outlines the major challenges identified for the implementation of environmental policies. ASSESSMENT of water quality (basic biological parameters) of the Danube and...
EUMETSAT is responsible for operating the Sentinel-3 satellites and delivering the marine mission and will also operate and deliver products from the Sentinel-4, and -5 instruments, and the Sentinel-6 satellites. As described earlier, Sentinels 1, 2, and partly 3, contribute to the Copernicus ...
ESA Copernicus Sentinel系列的数据产品说明书 Copernicus for Scientists • Copernicus Ocean Monitoring Service: Status as of April 2019 #EUSpace #CopernicusEU Copernicus EN
1 The Copernicus programme provides added value services in the following areas: atmosphere, marine, land, climate change, security and emergency.2 The provision of these services is based on the processing of environmental data collected from Earth observation satellites (Copernicus Sentinels) and in...
Home: Package license: EUPL-1.2 Summary: A command line and python interface to explore and download all the products provided by the Copernicus Marine Data Store without quotas Current build status All platforms: ...