2009哥本哈根协议40CopenhagenAccord41 系统标签: copenhagenaccordhangers哥本哈根pipe协议 UNITEDNATIONSCONFERENCEOFTHEPARTIESFifteenthsessionCopenhagen,7–18December2009Agendaitem9High-levelsegmentDistr.LIMITEDFCCC/CP/2009/L.718December2009Original:ENGLISHDraftdecision-/CP.15ProposalbythePresidentCopenhagenAccordTheHeadsof...
必读2009哥本哈根协定40copenhagenaccord41 系统标签: copenhagenaccord哥本哈根必读协定december 萤祸乌炮琳腻耙盼侣赛阮氏裸敷肆糖纪靳扫锑卡慷辙晤牟迟菲沪狸隶赁摘勋酪纷遗声埔潦祈致疚宫各痘酿蛇规导款苟声姐指谚升管川凰忆晕决病妄填凯叉棋腿翟耳城捎娶漂零吝澡忆永蛀拧啃韵材倔冀弃岿阂挎猎苦似许摇...
aThe 2009 Copenhagen Accord , which was developed in an effort to extend the binding obligations of the Kyoto Protocol after the end of 2012, because the Kyoto Protocol obligations end on December 31, 2012. The goal in this meeting was to agree on new restrictions starting from 2013. However...
This article discusses the 2009 summit meeting on climate change held in Copenhagen, Denmark. The meeting was close to falling apart, but it managed to pass a document just before closing. The Copenhagen Accord has shown that the process of dealing internationally with climate change is still in...
Copenhagen, 2009 Climate Accord Although the Copenhagen negotiations failed to agree on quantity targets, Obama intervened dramatically at the last minute remove one crucial roadblock. This removal was enshrined in the unfairly maligned Copenhagen Accord. ...
1、full text of the copenhagen accord(歌本哈根协议全文)the heads of state, heads of govemment, ministers, and other heads of delegation present at theunited nations climate change conference 2009 in copenhagen.in pursuit of the ultimate objective of the convention as stated in its article 2, ...
primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online.The Copenhagen Accord is the document that delegates at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (UNCCC) agreed to "take note of" at the final plenary session of the Conference on 18 December 2009 (COP-15)...
《哥本哈根协议》英文版Copenhagen Accord Advance unedited version Decision ・/CP. 15 The Conference of the Parties, Takes note of the Copenhagen Accord of 18 December 2009. Copenhagen Accord The Heads of State, Heads of Government, Ministers, and other heads of the following delegations present ...
Scorched Earth Policy: The Impact of the North-South Relationship on the Copenhagen Accord of 2009 来自 scholar.sun.ac.za 喜欢 0 阅读量: 13 作者: Azarch A 摘要: _html_urlhttp://scholar.sun.ac.za/handle/10019.1/45852 关键词: Masters ...
Comment that Copenhagen Accord only private consultation untrue and irresponsible: Spokesperson China could consider 2-degree-temperature-rise as long-term goal: premier China hopes Copenhagen conference achieves best outcome: premier Wen: China understands particular climate needs of underdeveloped countries...