必应词典为您提供Cope's-rule的释义,网络释义: 柯普法则;科普法则;
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COPE'S rule―the generalization that animal taxa tend to evolve toward larger body size―suggests that there are widespread net selective advantages to being large1–4. Size–abundance relationships within bird4–7and desert rodent4guilds show that larger species usually do control more energy locall...
中国、欧洲、美国这三个地区的国家城市化模式,哪个更好真的并不好说,因为自然界的约束条件主要朝着两个完全相反的方向在发展,其一是受制于自然灾害的制约,其二是受制于国与国之间的竞争制约。 国与国之间的制约符合“柯普法则”,所谓的科普法则指的是生物学家把生物的这种越来越大的趋势称为“柯普法则”(Cope'...
Cite this article Brown, J., Maurer, B. Body size, ecological dominance and Cope's rule. Nature 324, 248–250 (1986). https://doi.org/10.1038/324248a0 Download citation Received07 October 1985 Accepted26 September 1986 Issue Date20 November 1986 DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1038/324248a0Sections...
s rule might have been, not a rule at all, just a human invention.Cope found what he needed in order to support to his theory, but he didn’t really approve it.And Gould suggested another rather interesting possibility, he claimed and there’s a certain amount of foundation to this....
someproblemswithassessingcopeacutesrule评估应对规则的若干问题 系统标签: coperuleassessingproblemsdescendantacute BRIEFCOMMUNICATIONdoi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2008.00410.xSOMEPROBLEMSWITHASSESSINGCOPE’SRULEAndrewR.Solow1,2andSteveC.Wang3,41WoodsHoleOceanographicInstitution,WoodsHole,MA025432E-mail:asolow@whoi.edu...
Cope's Rule and the Dynamics of Body Mass Evolution in North American Fossil MammalsThe Cope rearrangement. MINDO/3 studies of the rearrangements of 1,5-hexadiene and bicyclo[2.2.0]hexaneThe Persuasion Knowledge Model: How People Cope with Persuasion AttemptsOsteopontin as a means to cope with ...
生物地理学Kingsolver_Cope’s rule_Evolution2004.pdf,BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Evolution, 58(7), 2004, pp. 1608–1612 INDIVIDUAL-LEVEL SELECTION AS A CAUSE OF COPE’S RULE OF PHYLETIC SIZE INCREASE JOEL G. KINGSOLVER 1 AND DAVID W. PFENNIG2 Department of Biolo
Butler RJ, Goswami A: Body size evolution in Mesozoic birds: little evidence for Cope's rule. J Evol Biol 2008, 21:1673-1682.Butler, R. J. & Goswami, A. 2008 Body size evolution in Mesozoic birds: little evidence for Cope's rule. J. Evol. Biol. 21, 1673- 1682. (doi:10.1111/j...