OBSTRUCTIVE lung disease treatmentDISEASE managementDRUG therapyHOSPITAL admission & dischargeNATIONAL Institute for Health & Care Excellence (Great Britain)The UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has produced a 2010 partial update of its original 2004 Guidelines on COPD ...
Treatment: Surgery A small number of people with COPD may benefit from surgery. Bullectomy and lung volume reduction surgery remove the diseased parts of the lung, allowing the healthy tissue to perform better and making breathing easier. A lung transplant may help some people with the most seve...
Asbestos Exposure About Contact Us FAQs News Press Editorial Guidelines Monthly Newsletter Stay up-to-date on treatment, research, clinical trials, doctors and survivors Sign Up Now The information on this website is proprietary and protected. It is not a substitute for professional medical advi...
No treatment is available at present that stops the relentless progression of the disease. A better understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie the inflammatory and destructive disease process is now pointing to several new therapeutic targets. Antagonists that block inflammatory ...
1Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK; 2University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK; 3University of Kentucky College of Public Health, Lexington, KY, USA; 4Division of Neurology and Behavioural Health, National Je...
Figure 2 Signal intensities of cytokines (panel A-D) and chemokines (panel E-N) determined by antibody microarray in sputum supernatant of healthy controls (Controls), stable COPD patients (Stable) and AECOPD patients at the time of acute exacerbation (Ex) and after hospital treatment (Treat)...
In addition, other chronic diseases such as severe heart failure, chronic liver cirrhosis, inflammatory bowel disease, renal failure, uncontrolled thyroid disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer in the last 3 years, a systematic course of long-term treatment with steroid drugs, chronic infections (HIV,...
and cite any accepted standard or code of practice. Authors working in animal science may find it useful to consult the International Association of Veterinary Editors’ Consensus Author Guidelines on Animal Ethics and Welfare and Guidelines for the Treatment of Animals in Behavioural Research and Teac...
In a retrospective cohort study, we assessed the year point prevalence of asthma and COPD and compared the asthma- and COPD-related GP care activities between patients with and without intellectual disabilities to investigate potential differences in care delivery and treatment-related patient characterist...
In recent years smoking cessation by means of electronic cigarettes has been promoted, but the products have not been approved as pharmacological treatment, and the effect on smoking cessation rates is not well established20. Pharmacological treatment has proved to be more efficient than the other ...