Her inhaler technique should be checked and a self-management plan issued, describing her treatment and what to do if her breathlessness worsens. A follow-up appointment at six to eight weeks should be scheduled to assess her response to the change in treatment. Section 6: Evidence baseClinical...
Results During the 6 month audit period, 457 patients with acute hospital admission for COPD exacerbation were recruited, with 68%, 54.6% and 24.5% (mean 40.1%) of patients at each of the 3 sites receiving a self management plan and rescue medication. Main reasons for not receiving included...
First publication of complete results for a preliminary trial of a self-management intervention using a scalable, NHS approved app (myCOPD) demonstrated signals of potential clinical benefit in a population of patients with mild-moderate and newly diagnosed COPD over a 90 day period. ...
The app provides education, pulmonary rehabilitation and disease management tailored to the individual user. Patients with COPD can use their smartphone, tablet or computer 24/7 to manage their health online, with the app providing a self-management plan and inhaler diary, an e...
This could be as simple as referring them on to a local Breathe Easy support group or talking through their self-management plan." Symptoms of COPD include breathlessness, a persistent cough, excess mucus production and wheezing. It accounts for around 1.4 million GP consultations a year, and ...
Subjects were randomised to either receive usual care, including a written self-management plan (n = 21), or the myCOPD app (n = 20) for 90 days. The primary efficacy outcome was recovery rate of symptoms measured by COPD assessment test (CAT) score. Exacerbations, readmission, ...
Effective self-management in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is crucial to reduce hospital admissions and improve outcomes for patients. This includes early detection and treatment of exacerbations by patients themselves. To explore patients
In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the problem of poor patient participation in studies of self-management (SM) and pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) programmes (together referred to as COPD support programmes) is established. Understanding thi
Although the patient has likely had some education on COPD and its management in the past, on-going reinforcement of key principles may be helpful in preventing future exacerbations. The self-management plan should be reviewed regularly to ensure the advice remains current. The patient's ability ...
Society18 that included regular, triple-inhaled bronchodilator therapy (long-acting β-agonist, long-acting antimuscarinic, and steroid), as-needed inhaled short-acting β-agonist therapy, sputum clearance techniques where appropriate, smoking cessation support, and education on COPD self-management. Pat...