Stage IV (very severe obstruction or moderate obstruction with evidence of chronic respiratory failure): Short-acting bronchodilator as needed; long-acting bronchodilator(s); cardiopulmonary rehabilitation; inhaled glucocorticoids if repeated exacerbation; long-term oxygen therapy (if criteria met); consider...
Arterial blood gases (ABGs):Determines degree and severity of disease process, e.g., most often Pao2is decreased, and Paco2is normal or increased in chronic bronchitis andemphysema, but is often decreased inasthma; pH normal or acidotic, mild respiratory alkalosis secondary to hyperventilation (m...
[4] Bahloul M,Chaari A,Tounsi A,et al. Impact of acetazolamide use in severe exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requiring invasive mechanical ventilation. Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci 2015;5:3-8. [5] Heming...
(极重度) FEV130%预计值 * Arterial blood gases earlier period: hypoxemia and respiratory alkalosis PaO2 PaCO2 PaO2 PaCO2 * Diagnosis * History * Symptom * Sign * Chest radiograph * Pulmonary function tests aggregate analysis mMRC(modified Medical Research Council Scale, (改良的英国医学研究委员会呼吸...
done at home to monitor asthma, not tx; correlates with FEV1; to identify exacerbation ABG stage 1 asthma respiratory alkalosis: nl pO2, low pCO2 ABG stage 2 asthma respiratory alkalosis and hypoxialow pO2, really low pCO2 ABG stage 3 asthma fatigued statelow pO2, nl pCO2 (can't get ou...
20、ripheral edema, and polycythemia in advanced diseaseStage of diseaseAcute ExacerbationsStableAcute exacerbation of COPDAE-COPD“Exacerbation” of COPD Respiratory dyspnea / chest tightness cough / sputum, purulent Systematic decreased activity, fatigue, headache, poor appetite, somnolenceDifferential ...
呼吸衰竭Treatment of respiratory failure: most important therapeutic measure. 右心衰Treatment of cardiac failure: especially when above measure no response or serious condition. Treatment of RV failure Diuretics利尿剂: excessive diuresis can lead to hypokalamia低钾 and metabolic alkalosis代碱 induce the...
- return to pre-exacerbation baseline respiratory function- PaCo2 and PaO2 return to levels normal for pt asthma heterogeneous disease characterized by a combination of bronchial hyperresponsiveness with reversible expiratory airflow limitation more men affected by asthma before ___, more women in ___...
[4] Bahloul M,Chaari A,Tounsi A,et al. Impact of acetazolamide use in severe exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requiring invasive mechanical ventilation. Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci 2015;5:3-8. [5] Heming N,Faisy C,Urien S. Population pharmacodynamic model of bicarbonate respo...
Among mechanically ventilated patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and metabolic alkalosis, administration of the respiratory stimulant acetazolamide did not significantly reduce the duration of invasive mechanical ventilation, acco