‘The risk of serious respiratory and/or cardiovascular events in patients with COPD. These include, but are not limited to, COPD exacerbations, myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure decompensation, arrhythmia and death due to any of these events.’ While myocardial infarction and stroke have...
COPD与其亚型的定义 COPD Subtypes InterrelationshipsamongsubtypesAsthma-COPDoverlapsyndrome 慢性支气管炎:连续2年,每年咳嗽、咳痰达到3个月,并排除慢性咳嗽的其他病因(如:支扩);肺气肿:终末细支气管远端的气腔永久性的异常扩张,伴气腔壁破坏,无明显纤维化;哮喘:多种细胞和细胞成分参与的气道慢性炎症性疾病...
We hope that classification schema for spirometric indices of early airway disease proposed in this review may provide a framework for further investigation and comparison between various indices of early airflow impairment. It is of crucial importance that investigational efforts in this field continue,...
A summary of the trials supporting LTOT can be found on UpToDate [112]. A review of the literature evaluating the benefits of LTOT in stable COPD is out of the scope of this article; however, a basic understanding of LTOT is necessary, as many patients experiencing acute exacerbations are ...