A copay is a fixed dollar amount a patient must pay upfront for medical services as part of theirhealth insurance coverage. Health insurance plans often require you to pay a flat fee for a covered service, such as a doctor's appointment, lab test, or prescription. However, your copay—o...
The meaning of CO-PAYMENT is a relatively small fixed fee that a health insurer (such as an HMO) requires the patient to pay upon incurring a medical expense (as for a routine office visit, surgical procedure, or prescription drug) covered by the health
Copay definition: a small fixed amount required by a health insurer to be paid by the insured for each outpatient visit or drug prescription.. See examples of COPAY used in a sentence.
Define copay. copay synonyms, copay pronunciation, copay translation, English dictionary definition of copay. n. A copayment. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publis
In the 2021 NBPP, CMS sought to clarify the issue through a proposal to “interpret the definition of cost sharing to exclude expenditures covered by drug manufacturer coupons.” In the 2021 NBPP Final Rule, however, CMS opted not to finalize this interpretation, instead writing that, to ...
For one thing, just because a product fits within the nebulous definition of a specialty drug does not mean that insurers will grant it a pass; therapeutically equivalent or similar alternatives with preferred formulary status may still exist. For example, in 2013, UnitedHealthcare implemented ...