并在当晚举行的首次“气候-健康部长级对话”上正式公布了《COP28气候与健康阿联酋宣言》(COP28 UAE Declaration onClimate and Health, 以下简称《宣言》,https://www.cop28.com/en/cop28-uae-declaration-on-climate-and-health)[1]。
认识到日益严重的气候和卫生紧急情况,《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)第二十八届缔约方大会(COP28)主席国于12月3日在迪拜举办气候谈判历史上首个健康日。在健康日前夕,12月2日,COP28主席国与世界卫生组织公布了《气候与健康宣言》(Declaration of Climate and Health),将健康置于气候行动的核心,并加快...
More than 120 countries have brought health to the front and center of climate action with the launch of the "COP28 UAE Declaration on Climate and Health", bolstering the development of climate-resilient, sustainable, and equitable ...
Declaration). Signed by over 120 countries, including the United States, the Declaration marks the first time governments explicitly acknowledged climate-health issues. COP28 included the first ever Health Day and marked the first time that Health Ministers officially convened at the UN climate confer...
More than 120 countries have brought health to the front and center of climate action with the launch of the “COP28 UAE Declaration on Climate and Health”, bolstering the development of climate-resilient, sustainable, and equitable health systems. ...
124个国家共同签署了一份新的《气候与健康宣言》(Declaration on Climate and Health)(下文简称《宣言》)[1],将“健康日”推向了高潮。《宣言》的明确目标是让医疗卫生系统做好应对气候变化的准备,并认为各国政府需要保护人民的健康。正如今年的《2023年柳叶刀人群健康与气候变化倒计时报告》[2]所强调的那样,威胁...
Furthermore, these funders and partners have endorsed nine new guiding principles for financing climate and health solutions—addressing concerns related to health- or climate-“washing”. 74 countries and 40 international organizations endorsed the UAE Declaration on Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace...
The Declaration on Climate and Health This year’s theme was “Health, Relief, Recovery and Peace”, and aimed to put health at the heart of climate action, while accelerating the development of climate-resilient, sustainable, and equitable health systems. ...
Over 120 nations back declaration that puts people at center of green actions More than 120 countries have brought health to the front and center of climate action with the launch of the "COP28 UAE Declaration on Climate and Health", bolstering the development of climate-resilient, sustainable,...
For the first time, there was a dedicated 'health' day, US$1 billion (A$1.5 billion) in climate-health financing was announced, and a Declaration on Climate and Health was signed by 148 countries. Australia also launched its National Health and Climate Strategy. A 'global stocktake'...