在COP26世界领袖峰会(COP26 World Leaders Summit)的主会场主席台旁,一辆由“垃圾”制成的酷炫赛车吸引了参会“大佬”的注意。这辆赛车名为“Recover E”,是一台由100公斤的塑料垃圾组成,花费700多个小时纯手工完成的电动方程式赛车。 ...
It gives me great pleasure to attend the World Leaders Summit and discuss ways to address the climate challenge. As we speak, the adverse impacts of climate change have become increasingly evident, presenting a growing urgency for global action. Ho...
Oxfam activists dressed as world leaders take part in a protest at Royal Exchange Square during the COP26 summit in Glasgow on November 1, 2021. Hasan Esen | Anadolu Agency | Getty Images World leadersfrom more than 100 countries are convening in the Scottish city of Glasgowfor the U.N.'s...
在英国格拉斯哥举行的为期两周的联合国气候变化大会(COP26)经过一番胶着的谈判,终于延迟一天后胜利闭幕,最主要的成果就是达成了包括第6条在内的《巴黎协定》实施细则的相关议题,并有史以来第一次明确计划减少煤炭用量,尝试让1.5摄氏度的目标保持在可达到的范围内。 在COP26世界领袖峰会(COP26 World Leaders Summit)...
近日,第26届联合国气候变化会议(COP26)在英国格拉斯哥成功举办,泰国总理巴育上将出席并在首脑会议(World Leaders Summit)上发表致辞。演讲中,巴育总理爆出金句““我们都没有关于气候补救的B计划,因为我们不会再拥有像我们现在世界一样的第二个星球。”该句也被总理府官方脸书页面“Thai Koo Fah”制作图片发在社交...
There were few face-to-face meetings between world leaders before this summit. In 2015, China and the US issued a joint statement on climate change before signing the Paris Agreement, which signaled a lot of goodwill on each side and made the subsequent negotiations much easier. Many things ...
World leaders are gathering in Glasgow in a bid to ramp up the response to global warming. Over 120 heads of state and government are attending the 26th UN Climate Change Conference. Leaders from India, France, Australia and the U.S. are among those expected to address the...
[8]https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/11/11/cop29-in-azerbaijan-whats-at-stake-at-the-2024-global-climate-summit [9]https://www.ftchinese.com/story/001104733?topnav=business&subnav=energy&exclusive [10]https://www.reuters.com/world/trump-trade-worries-cloud-cop29-climate-summit-baku-...
That was despite a few headline deals in the first few days of the summit, including a pledge to cut 30 percent of global methane emissions by 2030 and a major deal to end deforestation by the same year, signed by more than 100 world leaders. ...
Spain said over 50 world leaders will visit the COP 25 summit over the next two weeks, and 196 countries will send delegations to Madrid. The United States, which formally began the process of withdrawing from the Paris Agreement in November, will send a delegation of 16 senators and members...