In the desert near Los Angeles, a beautiful woman named Allison Pond (Jennifer Connelly) is found murdered. A special investigative unit led by hard-edged detective Max Hoover (Nick Nolte) is brought in when it looks like the victim may have ties to a secret military program. B...
Sherwin, who is a very cunning and persuasive woman almost tearfully, told Judge Baker how she wanted to move her father to California where he could be around his loving family and even told the court of both her qualifications and wishes to take care of her father. Fortunately, Sherwin ...
and how terrible it must be for a woman to know that she has been living with such a man for years.You watch - the GOP will send him Tom Hagen-like messages to "Do the right thing" and kill himself. to save the GOP from further shame. Then they can say the Democrats killed that...
In the desert near Los Angeles, a beautiful woman named Allison Pond (Jennifer Connelly) is found murdered. A special investigative unit led by hard-edged detective Max Hoover (Nick Nolte) is brought in when it looks like the victim may have ties to a secret military program. ...
In the desert near Los Angeles, a beautiful woman named Allison Pond (Jennifer Connelly) is found murdered. A special investigative unit led by hard-edged detective Max Hoover (Nick Nolte) is brought in when it looks like the victim may have ties to a secret military program. Bu...
In the desert near Los Angeles, a beautiful woman named Allison Pond (Jennifer Connelly) is found murdered. A special investigative unit led by hard-edged detective Max Hoover (Nick Nolte) is brought in when it looks like the victim may have ties to a secret military program. ...
In the desert near Los Angeles, a beautiful woman named Allison Pond (Jennifer Connelly) is found murdered. A special investigative unit led by hard-edged detective Max Hoover (Nick Nolte) is brought in when it looks like the victim may have ties to a secret military program. Bu...
In the desert near Los Angeles, a beautiful woman named Allison Pond (Jennifer Connelly) is found murdered. A special investigative unit led by hard-edged detective Max Hoover (Nick Nolte) is brought in when it looks like the victim may have ties to a secret military program. Bu...
In the desert near Los Angeles, a beautiful woman named Allison Pond (Jennifer Connelly) is found murdered. A special investigative unit led by hard-edged detective Max Hoover (Nick Nolte) is brought in when it looks like the victim may have ties to a secret military program. Bu...