If you’re a PC player, simply press M on your keyboard instead and type ‘JRTALENT‘; once done, you’ll be in the Director Mode and able to choose anActorto play as. Think of it like entering any otherGTA 5 Story Modecheat, it’s very simple and quick to do. Once you’ve di...
警察模拟器Police Sim是一款高度自由的警察题材模拟角色扮演手游,玩家可以在游戏中扮演警察角色,体验警察的日常工作,支持中文,自带了mod...详情 警察模拟器2024(Police Sim 2024) 1.21GB2025/1/30 10:09:24 开发商:Ketchapp详情 警察模拟器2024(Police Sim 2022)是一款高度逼真的警察模拟游戏,让玩家亲身体验成为一名...
GTA 5 voice actor thinks it’d be great if this iconic character died in GTA 6 Nick RiveraNick Rivera Everything new in the GTA 5 Lunar New Year Update Nick RiveraNick Rivera Rockstar’s ‘friendly takedown’ of a free GTA 5 Liberty City mod has community up in arms ...
gta5警察模拟器中文版(Police Cop Simulator. Gang War)人物介绍 麦可·迪圣塔(Michael De Santa) 配音:内德·卢克 国籍:美国 职业:前银行抢劫犯、影片制作者、监制、罪犯 居住地区:罗克福德山豪宅 麦克曾经是一个抢银行的强盗,后来金盆洗手跟FIB做了一笔交易成为了FIB的污点证人,由于家庭之间的矛盾麦克只能自己一...
4.92 / 5 stars (6 votes) Description Comments (15) Hallo, neue Polizist und Polizistin für die Polizei München - Uniform Bayern für Sheriff - Uniform Bayern für Cop ist nicht wie in die Realität, aber gib das Gefühl ...
This mod is a model and texture replacement for the LSPD Cop (s_m_y_cop_01) ped. This model aims to bring the LSPD Cop from the beta of GTA V (as seen in trailers, in game TV and LSPD adverts) back to game. Features include 3 heads, 2 exactly as in beta and one additional ...
All ped models in GTA have what are called drawables. They are pieces of clothing or equipment that can vary between instances of that model. Many of the default cop models have two holster drawables. One is empty, and one has a pistol. Cop Holster simply changes between those two drawable...
This mod requires. Instructions 1. Download IVAUD Editer from here http://www.gta4-mods.com/tools/gta-ivaud-v115-f3996 2. Open SparkIV and locate PC/Audio/SFX, scroll down till you find "STREAMED_VEHICLES", double click that, you will find in there "V_STYLE_3", press that on...
https://youtu.be/s5LssyQu2Lg?si=ADwSJUe2SHULLV9G Michael was calmly eating a donut. Suddenly a car came flying out of a turn. In the car was a jewelry store robber - a dangerous criminal. Michael immediately got into a police car and chased him....
GTA5工具 GTA5车模 GTA5车模涂装 GTA5武器模组 GTA5脚本 GTA5皮肤模组 GTA5地图模组 GTA5其他模组 最新的文件 精选文件 最多赞的文件 最多下载的文件 评分最高的文件 GTA5-Mods.com排行榜 联系 隐私政策 使用条款 DMCA @5mods推特 5mods脸书 5mods on Discord ...