Absolutely stupid considering he also got shot in the head and ridiculously laughable and them constant memories and flashbacks during the film make the movie even more unbearable plus the 6000 *** car commercial and the other commercials. The whole film felt horrible and disgusting and the villai...
That is SO true, and not just in the world of cops and self-defense training. When I got out of the Army, I began working in ER while I went back to school to get my prereqs for nursing school. When I got into nursing school, I found that I had more clinical experience than som...
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The Ohio Supreme Court announced on Tuesday it would not consider an appeal over the firing of a white police officer who shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice outside a Cleveland recreation center in 2014.
RoboCop started out as a pure B-movie, but unlike Cyborg (1989) or The Six Million Dolar Man (1974), it kept its relevance, satire and sharpness precisely because it is so close to today that it hurts. Even as a kid, I somehow got that one of the messages of the film was how ...
Born January 4, 1946—Ramsey Campbell, 75. My favorite novel by him is without doubtThe Darkest Part of the Woodswhich has a quietly building horror to it. I know he’s better known for his Cthulhu mythology writings but I never got into those preferring his other novels such as hisSolo...
But also like in the movie Detroit city is still a dangerous place to live as it's also got crime nowhere near short supply.Action is solid it's well choreographed, it's true that you don't see any blood effects or too much death like in the film, it's an 80's cartoon after ...
Sonya Massey, a beloved mother, friend, daughter, and young Black woman, should be alive today. Sonya’s death at the hands of a police officer reminds us that all too often Black Americans face fears for their safety in ways many of the rest of us do not. ...
Many, many years ago, I was part of one of the best municipal police pistol teams in the country. I was not the best shot, but I could hold my own well enough to compete at the National Police Pistol Championships a few times. I even won a few awards at smaller competitions. The ...
Sean Connery, just released from prison, plans to rob an entire uptown apartment building. For Connery, this isn’t just a shot at the proverbial Big Score; it’s also a “Screw the Establishment!” poke in the eye at that insular, Upper East Side, hoity-toity society of one-percenter...
I understand that the film was finished with crowdfunding money, so I expect these parts were shot separately, at a later date, and it shows...Everything that happens after the first half hour is so far-fetched and pointless that any interest in the story collapses: after that it's just...