Twitter Google Share on Facebook traffic cop Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia n (Law)informala policeman who supervises road traffic Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
He then turned into a Wendy’s fast-food restaurant drive-through. I guess bad decisions can work up quite the appetite. Police attempted to coax the driver out of the car as he started to order food from the drive-through terminal. The reckless driver then decided the best course of act...
The police can always check if one of their cars is following you. "Even if you decide not to stop straightaway and have to wait for a safe place to pull over, motorists are advised to signal to the police car that you have acknowledged the request. Read More Thousands halted as cars...
Reports on the plan of the New Orleans, Louisiana police department to outfit its 125 police cars with one way bulletproof glass to protect police officers as of September 2003. Cost of the bulletproof glass per car; Factors to consider in determining how to bulletproof cars, according to analy...
Gus PhilpottThe Woodstock Advocate
After a couple of screaming matches over rolled-down windows, the suspect eventually stopped the car at an intersection in the Palos Verdes area. The second the suspect hopped out of the cars, several officers surrounded him and as he was about to be placed in handcuffs, the man appears to...
"When you're a police officer on a mission to protect your citizens nothing is going to stand in your way, even if your squad car is not near and your suspect is speeding away on a scooter," the city said in its Facebook post. ...
While a cursory reading of the application might cause some people to become concerned that Ford's patented system is planned for use in its passenger cars, a company spokesperson told Car and Driver that the tech is specifically intended for law-enforcement vehicles. Ford's official statement is...
In the initial offence, he took a friend’s car from his home in north Cornwall and drove it 175 miles to Swindon where he and two accomplices carried out a brazen shoplifting raid on a sports shop. He then headed back to Cornwall at speeds of more than 120mph before police succeeded ...
Detroit City is in turmoil. OCP are working hard to build their megacity at the expense of the people of Detroit. The police are on strike and a new lethal narcotic called Nuke has hit the streets. Robocop has his work cut out for him, as he must battle the drug gang led by the ...