Conference of the Parties 在各种联合国公约下都会有COP,一般是每年召开,也有特例。我最初接触这个词... 11.新华社,新华时评:携手努力开启全球生物多样性治理新征程. 12.CBD, CBD Technical Series No.93: Voluntary guidelines for the design and effective implementation of ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and disaster r...
2 关于决议的信息,获取网址为:COP-MOP 9 decisions are available at and COP 14 decisions at 11. Reminds Parties of the importance of engaging constructively with all stakeholders, includi...
The IARU International Scientific Congress on Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions (10–12 March, Copenhagen, Denmark) it to the non-scientist, ie politicians, media and interested citizens The synthesis will build on the messages presented to the Danish Prime Minister, Mr Anders... 。CBD缔约方大会鼓励缔约方并邀请其它国家政府、相关机构组织与土著人民和地方社区合作,来提供应用科学和技术的咨询建议,包括: (a) 确定OECM及其管辖范围内的多种选择; (b) 向联合国环境署世界保护监测中心(UNEP-WCMC)提交关于OECM的数据,以...
whereas at COP8 parties are expected to take stock of the commitments made in the work programme on forest biological diversity, CBD Decisions VI/22 and VII/28, regarding the sustainable use and consumption of and trade in biological resources, as well as forest law enforcement and governance ...
Fifteenth conference of the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change.... and COP 14 decisions at CP-9/1 11. Reminds Parties of the importance of engaging constructively with all stakeholders, including with industry, the public, indigenous peoples and local communities...
Convention on Biological 下面是中方官媒新闻报道。联合国《... 11.新华社,新华时评:携手努力开启全球生物多样性治理新征程. 12.CBD, CBD Technical Series No.93: Voluntary guidelines for the design and effective implementation of ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation and disaster ...