Correlative Conjunctions Lesson Plan When to Use Either or Neither Temporal Connectives Lesson Plan Parts of Speech Activities & Games Parts of Speech Lesson Plan for Elementary School Parts of Speech Lesson Plan Concrete Nouns Lesson Plan Noun Games for 2nd Grade Noun Lesson Plan for Elementary Scho...
Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions How do you use a correlative conjunction? Correlative conjunctions are always used in pairs. For example, both/and , either/or, and neither/nor are among common correlative conjunctions. The words after the pairs have to be of the same part of speech...
The coordinating conjunctions can be memorized by remembering the wordFANBOYS,which stands for these seven words:for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. In a sentence, following the first independent clause, a comma should always come before the coordinating conjunction. Continued... LESSON PRINTABLES...