,('Wellington', 'New Zealand', '41°17′20″S 174°46′38″E') ,('YaoundÉ', 'Cameroon', '3°52′N 11°31′E') ,('Yerevan', 'Armenia', '40°10′53″N 44°30′52″E') Formats for displaying geographic data Geographical data can be exchanged or shared in any of a variety...
Community Members 1.9k Location:Taupo, New Zealand Posted June 4, 2021 We always have the XY plane showing by default in our templates, as I prefer to know where in space I'm dropping parts into the scene (such as the origin). I also use the grid and snap of the XY plane for ...
-- create a fresh version of the pop_city_country_coordinates stored proceduredropprocifexistsdbo.pop_city_country_coordinatesgocreateprocdbo.pop_city_country_coordinatesas-- insert city, country, and city coordinates from the Wikipedia website-- into the city_country_coordinates table in the World...