的定义 坐标平面 zuòbiāo píngmiàn 更多... 包含“x”轴和“y”轴的平面。 另见:轴(图)
The meaning of CYLINDRICAL COORDINATE is any of the coordinates in space obtained by constructing in a plane a polar coordinate system and on a line perpendicular to the plane a linear coordinate system.
Here the position of A on x-ais is 1 unit and on y-axis is 2 units, therefore we will write the position of A as A(1,2) on the coordinate plane.In a similar way, we can find the position of any point on the coordinate plane and it may take values positive or negative dependin...
The meaning of POLAR COORDINATE is either of two numbers that locate a point in a plane by its distance from a fixed point on a line and the angle this line makes with a fixed line.
plane' as it applies to the area of basic math can be defined as 'a plane containing points identified by their distance from the origin in ordered pairs along two perpendicular lines referred to as axes (note: also referred to as Cartesian coordinate system and rectangular coordinate plane)'...
The zeros in the last row are actually defining a transformation in a plane; the plane where z = 1. According to the discussion in Section 10.2.2, this plane defines the Euclidean plane. Thus these transformations are performed to Euclidean points. Code 10.1 illustrates the definition of the...
A plane is defined with two vectors, and the order is important because then the cross product tells you the direction of positive angles. So if you want to indicate what we now have as inverseLatitude, this would be: angleDefinition = [ "+Y cross +X", [-90,90] ] If you wanted...
Coordinate geometry concepts are explained here. Learn about Co-ordinate and a Co-ordinate Plane with coordinate geometry formulas like distance, midpoint, etc.
IfcProductDefinitionShape IfcProductRepresentation IfcProductsOfCombustionProperties IfcProfileDef IfcProfileProperties IfcProject IfcProjectionCurve IfcProjectionElement IfcProjectOrder IfcProjectOrderRecord IfcProperty IfcPropertyBoundedValue IfcPropertyConstraintRelationship IfcPropertyDefinition IfcPropertyDependencyRelation...
2.1.242 Part 1 Section, style (Style Definition) 2.1.243 Part 1 Section, uiPriority (Optional User Interface Sorting Order) 2.1.244 Part 1 Section, pPr (Paragraph Properties) 2.1.245 Part 1 Section, rPr (Run Properties) 2.1.246 Part 1 Secti...