In the United States,Rural Electric Cooperatives(RECs) are organized as either Generation and Transmission (G&Ts) or Distribution-only (Member Coops), the majority of which have long-term, full-requirements contracts in place; as such, they can be considered quasivertically integrated. Born from ...
The dictionary definition implies that some effort must be put in by two or more parties to sustain cooperation over time. In the case of children under 3 years of age, “work” can be defined as the efforts they put into sustaining a harmonious interaction over a few minutes. In other ...
With the tremendous success of machine learning (ML), concerns about their black-box nature have grown. The issue of interpretability affects trust in ML s
This paper studies a simple process of demand adjustment in cooperative games. In the process, a randomly chosen player makes the highest possible demand s
optimization problems and then finding the most appropriate technique for solving them. The text contains many worked examples and homework exercises and will appeal to students, researchers and practitioners in fields such as engineering, computer science, mathematics, statistics, finance, and economics....
The following consequences are demonstrated (1) An s-equivalent definition of the fundamental strategic-equilibrium, that allows to address in a simple manner the issues of existence, invariance and uniqueness; is given in terms of Linear Programming. (2) Based on strategic-equilibrium originated ...
Introduction Game Theory (Von Neumann and7 Morgenstern, 1944) is a branch of applied mathematics and economics that studies situations (games) where self-interested interacting players act for maximizing their returns; therefore, the return of each player depends on his behaviour and on the ...
Such is the – simple – psychology of deterrence. Tragically, it has been and remains the foundational concepts of all contemporary security policies and – whether or not it is meant to or just a foolish philosophical short circuit – it will, by definition, never bring mutual or common sec...
Definition 1 [31] Let P⊆Rn be a polyhedron. We say that e∈P is an Player-centered incomplete games In this section, we restrict to player-centered incomplete games. We say that an incomplete game (N,K,v) is player-centered if K has the form K={S⊆N∣i∈S}∪{0̸} fo...
By definition, the fractional matching number is always at least as large as the matching number. A result by Deng et al. [16] stated that those two are equal if and only if the matching game has a non-empty core. Moreover, if the core is non-empty, then it is exactly the set ...