What is the Canada-Japan Co-op Program? For over 30 years, the Canada-Japan Co-op Program has provided dozens of Japanese employers with access to some of Canada’s top university and college students from a range of disciplines—including Arts, Business, Computer Science, Engineering, and Sc...
滑铁卢大学的1万多名学生在为世界各地28000多家公司工作。她创立的co-op program 课程模式让电脑系学生在学习的同时有机会在IBM,Nortel,Bell等著名公司获得工作经验。是北美电脑工业界的宠儿。同时她还向学生提供各种跨学科的教育项目,例如数学与管理的联合学士学位、生物科技与经济学联合学士学位等。滑铁卢大学的毕业生...
Since 1991, the aim of The Canada-Japan Co-op Program (formerly named The Co-op Japan Program) has been to encourage long term opportunities for scientific and industrial exchange between Canada and Japan. In an effort to achieve this goal, the program has worked tirelessly to establish close...
滑铁卢大学目前有六个学院:应用健康科学学院,文学院,工程学院(含建筑学院),环境学院,数学院(含计算机学院),和理学院。其中滑铁卢的计算机和工程学院常年排名加拿大前2,数学系也一直是前3。强大的学术实力让滑铁卢成了很多中国理工科学生的首选。除此之外,滑铁卢还有一个最让人心动的项目:co-op program。
据Canadaian Association for Co-operative Education (CAFCE) 2014年统计, 大概有55个大学, 26个学院 提供了 1100 个coop program的机会。 当然, coop 虽然有诸多好处, 比如工资, 不一样的大学体验, 更有利于毕业找工作 等等, 但coop同事从某种意义上讲还是降低了学生对大学文化的体验。(所以coop得同学更要多...
学校会给你出示一份证明,拿着证明去申请工签。工签到手后再去附近的Service Canada申请SIN,就轻松...
但是之前没有在其他的时间点申请带薪实习工作许可或者忘记申请工作许可,那么可以单独递交一个带薪实习工作许可的申请,这个申请本身是没有申请费的,但是,如果申请人之前没有录过指纹,则需要交纳一个85加元的指纹费,然后在ServiceCanada进行录指纹。 问题:Is yourwork an essential part of your studies (for example, ...
Have known Laurier for half and one year-in CD (forum of business school application)- become friends later- common topics about Canada, especially about choosing program, I met Liam and Kevin-Watch how Liam apply, be admitted by Laurier, gives me lots of help ...
Our goal is to help the students at Canadian College gain the skills needed to be competitive in Canada’s job market and gain real world career experience. We pride ourselves in providing student centric support to help meet each individual’s specific goals. Please contact one of our advisors...