这个面试叫做Behaviour-Based Interview,可以百度一下怎么准备哈哈。下面链接是面试通知邮件里学校推荐的参考面试题库和回答(我没打开看不知道怎么样哈哈哈)http://theinterviewguys.com/behavioral-interview-questions-and-answers-101/# 开始会请你做自我介绍,然后开始十个问题。十个问题中间她们会穿插一些根据所答内容...
You are curious and purpose driven.We’re looking for people who see opportunities instead of challenges, who ask better questions to seek better answers that build a better working world. You are inclusive.We’re looking for people who seek out and embrace diverse perspectives, who value differ...
This screening tool (the COOP/WONCA charts) consists of 6 questions that evaluate 6 mental health domains. Each question has accompanying pictures that illustrate the answers. A psychiatrist unaware ofthe screening results also conducted a structured psychiatric interview with each participant. Slightly...